Saturday, 19 November 2011

ELP Fashion Show

Deciding on my concept 

The category I've chosen in the Human Rights topic is Child Labour, as highlighted on my mind map. I have chosen child labour because I know I have been very lucky in my life, I've had choices, options, and I've had a very healthy and fulfilling life as a child. I can't imagine what it would be like if these things were taken away from me. I think we need to help these children who don't have these things, and that work 8 hours a day, and who are only as young as six years old. If we do this, it will create a better future, with no poverty, no hunger, no war. Everything is linked ("no poverty - education - job - money - food = HEALTHY LIFESTYLE" or "no poverty - no war over money - peace = HEALTHY WORLD).

Clothes that make a statement

Powerpoint Presentation

 Outfit Design

 1 - The top is going to be made out of binliners, because one of the jobs for Children in poor countries is to pick up rubbish from the rubbish tip.
2 - It's a polo neck to show the kind of strangulation and being removed from a healthy life. Also the children are tortured a lot, some of the methods might be strangulation.
3 - It's tight to show how skinny and how deprived of food the children are.

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